Monday, February 08, 2010

I had a dream...

I had a dream. While there is nothing strange about it, the eerie reality of the dream shook me up. I could actually feel the adrenalin rush, whilst I was there. the smell of the rooms I went in, the faces of the people I saw so clearly, people I had never seen in my life, be it my friends or even a single face amongst the flood of people on the train station, and the actual feeling of holding and object and using it really made me uneasy when I woke up. These types of dreams have in fact happened to me in the past but the only difference this time around was that I woke up to find my mobile on my bedside, on which I typed out at least ten words that I knew would bring all those memories of the dream back. They did not. The intricate details of dream, the faces and smells are lost to me. The basic outline remains, using which I try to reconstruct what happened. What had happened was pretty normal for an over-imaginative mind like mine. There was this hostage situation in my college and I was unaware of it. So unknowingly I start walking to the hostel and then suddenly I’m pulled into the bushes and told everything that has happened till then. I somehow manage to get a gun, if I remember correctly .22 magnum, and start taking pot shots at the attackers on the roof-top. What happened next was something that made me remember this particular dream. I could very clearly see the faces of the people on the roof, joking and smiling. The feeling of drawing up a gun and shooting it at them, was so real that I could actually feel the weight of the gun and the recoil when I woke up, even though I haven’t even laid my hands on a .22 magnum. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that I had fired upon a human being, with the smoke in my eyes but my heart refused to believe that. That is power of the so called sub conscious mind. The sub conscious mind is something that has baffled people from all over the world, across generation. Some say you attain the next level of consciousness with it, some say that you travel different planes of this universe with this. I don’t know about that, but that feeling was so profound that I later would actually feel the tears in my eyes when I talked about it. Why tears? I can only say that when anything life changing happens to you its then the mind is so much affected that it pains to think about it.
I shall always connect my mind with the feeling of Déjà Vu. That feeling at a microsecond that makes me gasp, the feeling of my being already here is so compelling that I can hardly breathe. The sheer clarity, the most breathing taking accurateness is very scary. Some time back an image was in my mind of me taking part in a contest with a friend of mine, with I would have never partnered with normally. This image soon drifted off in to the oblivion, and up came up a contest. Believe it or not, with life playing games with me, I was sitting there with the same person, when it struck me as a lightning bolt, making me swear out loud at the sheer audacity of my mind, that yes! I have been here. The position of the pen, the exact sitting style of my partner, was so uncanny like the image that I had, that I couldn’t speak for a minute. That moment hung like a bell, suspended in the air for me to observe. Later when I got down to thing about all that had happened, I could only display astonishment at what had happened, it was as if my mind had acquired psychic powers. But it is not a very uncommon thing,
Mind like I said is indeed a powerful thing. Be it the déjà vu thing or dreams, it is really creepy. There is again this feeling of being watched. The head moves on its accord, with no prior indication, just turns in a direction and poof, there is in fact someone watching you. The most compelling feeling comes when you are in a crowed place. When there is a magnitude of people around, how the hell did I turn my head exactly to where someone was watching me? Some say people have the same feeling and they turn and there you are turning at the same instant staring at them. I don’t about this but then again if I get this feeling I shall go up to the person and ask him/her about it, if in fact he/she had the same compelling feeling to turn around. Mind is a mysterious object, and I somehow feel the science wouldn’t be able to understand even if it tries its level best.

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